

考博英语 写作类型:反面现象批评型 考博英语是考博中重点考察的科目,想要更好的拿到高分成绩,对于同学来说,大家在...a promising start has begun,and a happy,healthy and harmonious society may be not be far behind. ...


2.leave sb behind:比…取得好得多的进展;把…抛在后面;超过 eg.Britain is being left behind in the race for new markets. 英国在开拓新市场方面正被甩在后面。重点讲解 Writer:What ...孙颖莎打完比赛用英文和对手互夸上了 ...


W:Well,like letting shoppers know what the companies are doing behind the products that they see on the store shelves,and these shoppers are concerned with some ethical issues. ...改编自英国文化委员会 英语学习网站...


If you put an unpleasant experience behind you,you stop thinking about it,so that it does not affect your life. 如果你put不愉快的经历behind you,意思就是说你不再去想它,这样它就不会影响你的生活。译为“将(不愉快...


I can't believe you went behind my back!真不敢相信你居然出阴招 Which clearly means I want this 这就表明我比你更急切呀 You want to play a game of"Who's desperate"with me?你想和我比"谁更想脱单"吗 L-Look...

干货|“母校”可不是mother school!“师兄、师姐”用英语怎么说?Alma__about

She's in my major but a year below/behind me. 她是跟我同专业的下届师妹。毕业季,除了同门好友,最难忘的还有他们— 辅导员 counselor 助教 tutor/assistant 讲师 lecturer 教授 professor 导师 supervisor 毕业典礼 毕业...


3.Haters never want you to leave them behind. 黑子们绝不想让你把他们甩在后面。每日翻译 John就是这样一个杠精,他总是要破坏我的好心情。【欢迎各位在评论区积极踊跃的晒出你们的答案哦】 昨日翻译参考答案 I was bored ...


[例]:Someone behind me snickered. 有人在我后面偷笑。PART.7 hooted 高声人笑 make a loud high-pitched noise when you are laughing 如果一个人特别开心,相应的他的笑声也会很大声,hooted就是指这种高分贝的大笑。...


If you cut classes too often,you will fall behind. 如果你经常旷课,成绩就会跟不上了。03. 落后;跟不上 fall behind I'm afraid he's fallen behind at this point. 我担心他现在已经跟不上了。Work hard,or you'll fall ...


Watch out,dude.There's a creep comin' up behind you but I got your six. 译:当心哥们!有个“老六”出现在你身后,不过我会掩护你的。2022 0 11 有请潘周聃 Welcome Pan Zhou Dan 这个梗是来自最强大脑的一期节目里面...